Friday 20 December 2013

LibreOffice 4.1.4

About LibreOffice 4.1.4

LibreOffice 4.1.4 is a comprehensive, professional-quality productivity suite that you can download and install for free, with no fear of copyright infringement. There is a large base of satisfied LibreOffice 4.1.4 users worldwide, and it is available in more than 30 languages and for all major operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.


Screen Shots

LibreOffice 4.1.4 Calc
LibreOffice 4.1.4 Calc

LibreOffice 4.1.4 Wirter
LibreOffice 4.1.4 Writer

LibreOffice 4.1.4 Presentation
LibreOffice 4.1.4 Presentation


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